My viewpoint on the real feelings of the working man
Published on May 2, 2006 By Paden Lee In Politics
I never thought I would need to Duct Tape my head to keep it from exploding, but yesterday I had to break out the Tape. Criminals in our streets demanding their "Rights." What Rights? First and foremost when you cross the border into this country illegally, you are a criminal. Not an undocumented worker or immigrant, A CRIMINAL!
This might come as a surprise to some, but criminals and non citizens have no rights in this country. If you want rights you have to earn them. You must come into this country legally and abide by its laws. You must get a green card and register with the government as a foreign national. You can earn the rights of a citizen but we as a nation, DO NOT owe you anything. You have no rights as an illegal.You are a Criminal.
Has everyone in Washington DC lost their mind? Where were the police and the immigration officials yesterday? They could have put a large dent in the number of criminals roaming our streets. Why do our elected officials ignore the laws of this country and let these illegal's flaunt their lawlessness. The 535 in Congress who supposedly have sworn to Defend this country and its citizens are letting us down once again. That really comes a no surprise. They have been distorting the law of the land for years. The elected 535 have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution. That is the Constitution of the United States.
We do not need any new laws. We need new Legislators. We need people who will enforce our laws, defend the Constitution and the citizens of this country. Why would my Congressman or Senator even consider giving these illegal's anything but a ride back across the border. I hope that each and everyone will use election day to send a message to this spineless bunch in Washington. We want our country back. It belongs to "We the People!" Not to those who would violate our law and demand we give them something for nothing.
This country was built on the blood sweat and tears of Americans. I am not ready to see our country given away because the elected officials in Washington DC have forgotten that we are a nation of laws. Not a nation for law breakers.

on May 02, 2006
I hate to rain on your parade but even though I agree with you partially, there are some facts you need straightened out.

but criminals and non citizens have no rights in this country.

This is not 100% true, see if Cubans can make it to shore before they are cought they can stay and become legal citizens, only if they step on land.

Has everyone in Washington DC lost their mind? Where were the police and the immigration officials yesterday? They could have put a large dent in the number of criminals roaming our streets.

Trust me, they were there. All these protest were more of a blssing than a problem to the Gov't. Nothing like putting your illegal face on TV so that the Gov't knows where you are and how to find you. Give it time.

We want our country back. It belongs to "We the People!" Not to those who would violate our law and demand we give them something for nothing.

When you say "We the people", are you talking about the same people who break the laws all the time when speeding, taking red lights, stealing, not filling out tax forms, hiring illegal immigrants, selling stolen goods, murdering, child molesting, downloading illegal music, movies and software online? I suggest you be more specific, people have the tendency of misunderstanding, nit-picking and labeling others simply because of what they "thought" you ment. Just a suggestion.

This country was built on the blood sweat and tears of Americans.

Actually this country was built on the blood and sweat of immigrants from other countries such as Europe. Some were even illegal. It was also built on the blood and sweat of slaves which were brought here illegaly by our standards today. So really this was built by those who immigrated here that later became Americans.

I am not ready to see our country given away because the elected officials in Washington DC have forgotten that we are a nation of laws. Not a nation for law breakers.
I agree we are a nation of law, but this country is full of law breakers and they are not all illegal immigrants.

I don't mean to sound contradictory to you. I'm simply pointing out that this could be misunderstood and used against you. Kinda like the doublespeak that Little-Whip mentioned in her article. I agree 100% that something must be done with this illlegal immigration problem, I don't agree with giving any type of amnesty to them whe so many others are trying to do it the legal way. I don't even agree with the law that helps Cubans to become citizens is making it to land, but things are worse in Cuba than Mexico, still it's unfair.

Washington need to open their eyes and remember that they were put there by us the American People and that their main duty is to us instead of spending time trying to fill their pockets. The only way, I'm sad to say, to fix our Gov't problem (which in a way will never be a permanent fix) is to shake down the entire system and show them that we, the American People, mean business. We want things done right and we wanted it done yesterday. Just like all the illegal, legal and American citizens rallied and protested for their rights, we should also rally and protest for our right to have them respect the law and go thru the process no matter how much a hell it is.
on May 02, 2006
Actually, noncitizens DO have rights in this country, believe it or not. There are a few reasons for that. The founding fathers felt our rights were God given and inalienable, and expressed that fact in the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights with it, was written not to GIVE rights to Americans, but to RESTRICT the power of the government. Read "The Heritage Guide to the US Constitution" for more information on this. The Constitution was also written in an era of slavery, and the framers wanted to ensure that the limits on government power extended to slaves and women, neither of whom were legally citizens at the time.

Yes, they were/are criminals, and should be dealt with as such. But they should be dealt with using due process and all of the other reasonable restraints of governmental power that make our government, when exercised properly, so great.